Sakura Glue & Glaze

Sakura dimensional glue has both a glue and glaze property. It is the heavy duty and extra strong glue, permanently plasticizing objects for art projects. It showcases a beautiful, pearl colored glaze that you can apply to create a smooth and stunning display. This is a  water based, acid free and non-toxic item. Read all directions before using.  Your surface needs to be clean, dry and dust free. Before commencing you project, make sure to test the product in a small area first, for your project.  Apply to pastable objects or simple coatings. The drying time will depend on the size and thickness. For maximum strength, allow a drying time for up to 48 hours maximum.

This is a heavy duty adhesive, which could be applied to a number of objects:

Metals     Plastics    Glass     Rhinestones      Eggs      Wood      Paper      Metal    & More!

Sakura Glue & Glaze 1oz.
Sakura glue & glaze is a heavy duty adhesive, which permanently sticks to any object. Because it is a water based and acid free glaze, it can also be used to create a beautiful, pearl color finish for your surface.

Sakura Glue & Glaze 2oz.
Sakura glue & glaze is a heavy duty adhesive, which permanently sticks to any object. Because it is a water based and acid free glaze, it can also be used to create a beautiful, pearl color finish for your surface.